Our robust LC/MS/MS PFAS testing solutions support lab efficiencies with increased uptime from reduced system contamination, even when dealing with complex matrices.
For use with GC/MS systems.
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Kit includes the following pieces:
PerkinElmer Injection Port Septa, Pkg. 50
List Price : USD312.44000244140625
Marathon Filament for PerkinElmer GC/MS Systems
List Price : USD521.0900268554688
2 mm, PSS Quartz Liner for Split Operation
List Price : USD35.310001373291016
Viton O-Rings for PSS, 10/pk
AutoSystem Autosampler Syringe, Metal Plunger in Barrel with PTFE-Tipped Seal
List Price : USD195.80999755859375
Vial Locator for Autosampler
List Price : USD31.799999237060547
KALREZ® O-Ring for Glass PSS Liner
List Price : USD69.55000305175781
Graphite/Vespel Capillary Column Ferrules - 0.0625 in Nut x 0.4 mm I.D., Pkg. 10
List Price : USD150.8699951171875