The LactoScope™ FT-A is a robust and versatile FT-IR milk analyzer capable of analyzing a wide range of animal and plant-based products, including milks, creams, whey, concentrates, ice-creams and yoghurt mixes. Innovations such as an integrated homogenizer and Dynascan™ interferometer let you test the most challenging dairy products, with typical accuracy under 0.8% CV for liquid milk and measuring time of 30 seconds.
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Dairy processors are routinely challenged with producing consistent and high-quality products, while also maximizing margins and creating value. To achieve this balance, participants throughout the dairy value chain, from farmers to processors, are leveraging data to create better, more predictable products.
The LactoScope FT-A is the industry’s most robust solution for analyzing a wide range of dairy products, delivering quick and accurate compositional analysis of key components including fat, protein, lactose, total solids, solids-not-fat, and freezing point depression (FPD). Leveraging Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, the AOAC and IDF compliant Lactoscope FT-A utilizes modern optics, an integrated homogenizer, and intuitive yet powerful software to deliver results in as little as 30 seconds.
Used in a variety of applications, including milk collection points to facilitate fair payment, plant receival stations to ensure composition and prevent costly non-conforming milk from entering the plant’s storage tanks, or at processing and load-out to confirm consistency and brand compliance, the FT-A’s versatility delivers a wide range of benefits from several key features:
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Plant-based milks are becoming increasingly popular with consumers as they seek healthier, non-animal-based options of milk protein. Unlike animal sourced milk, in plant-based milk production there are frequent changes between crop years and in crop sources. For example, the same plant grown in diff ...
Efficient production of high-quality dairy products requires full control of incoming milk. Milk at intake may be of a different composition than that of the milk to be marketed, therefore, processors must adjust the composition as per requirements. This compositional modification is also necessary ...
Fast and effective quality control in the dairy processing industry is key, particularly with more challenging high viscous products.
The development of alternative-protein and plant-based food products helps meet the growing need around the world for nutritious, sustainable foods. But these novel foods can be challenging to develop and manufacture. R&D and formulators must not only identify ingredients with the nutritional and fu ...
Today’s dairy farmers, processors, and inspectors work diligently to develop and deliver safe, high-quality, consistent products – but at the same time, ingredient quality and safety, market dynamics, and employee skill levels are in constant flux. That’s why it’s more important than ever to have re ...
Milk processors and dairies across the globe are challenged every day with ensuring the consistency of incoming raw materials and making fair payment to suppliers. Quick and accurate compositional analysis of key components of raw milk and other dairy products is of paramount importance in these ind ...
With the global dairy industry projected to be worth 1032.7 billion US dollars by 2024, it’s never been more important to carry out efficient analysis of dairy products to ensure quality and safety is maintained. In this eBook, developed with Dairy Foods, PerkinElmer’s food safety and quality expert ...