Spectroscopic analysis of glass used in both construction and the automotive industry is required to determine several very important parameters such as emissivity of glass to investigate their energy-saving capability. These measurements are carried out in the Mid- and Far-infrared regions. Infrared spectroscopy has also become a standard method in the analysis of pharmaceutical materials with the advantage of being fast and non-destructive. The near and mid-infrared regions are the most commonly used as they can provide detailed information about chemical structure (mid-infrared) and physicochemical properties (near-infrared). However, there are also some research applications of far-infrared spectroscopy such as the determination of solid-state structural properties and polymorphism studies.
This application note demonstrates the ability of the PerkinElmer Spectrum 3 to measure in multiple regions of the infrared spectrum to provide an all-in-one infrared solution for a wide variety of markets.