UV/Vis Software | PerkinElmer

UV/Vis Software


Advanced, Powerful, Flexible and Secure Software

PerkinElmer’s advanced UV WinLab™ is the instrument control and data manipulation software for the latest range of PerkinElmer LAMBDA™ UV/Vis and UV/Vis/NIR instruments. The software helps you to reach maximum productivity and guides you through method development, analysis of results and reporting in a series of simple steps. Processing is automatically saved as part of the method, allowing standard or frequently used calculations to be recalled rapidly each time they’re needed. All your results and methods are archived in a secure database with a single mouse click. This transforms your data from a collection of individual results into valuable knowledge to help you make faster decisions.

Products & Services (8)

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1-8 of 8 Products & Services

  • UV WinLab enhanced security software

    UV WinLab Enhanced Security Software upgrade for UV/Vis

    UV WinLab Enhanced Security is the instrument control and data manipulation software for the latest range of PerkinElmer LAMBDA™ 365, 650, 750, 850, 950, 1050.
    List Price : 2431.00 USD
  • Software upgrade

    UV WinLab Software Upgrade for UV/Vis

    UV Winlab Software upgrade is the instrument control and data manipulation software for the latest range of PerkinElmer LAMBDA™ 365, 650, 750, 850, 950, 1050.
    List Price : 1232.00 USD
  • UVWinLab Software for UV/Vis

    UV WinLab Software for Uv/Vis

    UV WinLab is the instrument control and data manipulation software for the latest range of PerkinElmer LAMBDA 365, 650, 750, 850, 950, 1050.
    List Price : 2662.00 USD
  • UVWinLab Enhanced Security Software for UV/Vis

    UV WinLab Enhanced Security Software for UV/Vis

    UV WinLab Enhanced Security is the instrument control and data manipulation software for the latest range of PerkinElmer LAMBDA™ 365, 650, 750, 850, 950, 1050.
    List Price : 5786.00 USD
  • UVWinLab1

    Protection Glass Software with UV WinLab

    A dedicated software package offering industry standard calculations required for personal and industrial eye protection. Included are luminous, visible, UV and near-IR transmittance calculations along with shade number and relative visual attenuation. UV WinLab is the instrument control and data manipulation software for the latest range of PerkinElmer LAMBDA 365, 650, 750, 850+ and 1050+ spectrometers.
    List Price : 1573.00 USD
  • UVWinLab1

    Filter Testing Software with UV WinLab

    A dedicated software package to evaluate transmission characteristics of optical thin-film coatings for bandpass and non-bandpass filters. UV WinLab is the instrument control and data manipulation software for the latest range of PerkinElmer LAMBDA 365, 650, 750, 850+ and 1050+ spectrometers.
    List Price : 1155.00 USD
  • UVWinLab1

    Color Methods Software with UV WinLab

    A dedicated software package to calculate color indices for liquids, clear and opaque solids. Compliant with all the major CIE, ASTM, DIN and ISO methodologies the software includes predefined illuminants, observers and calculations required by the above, along with easy to use graphical representation of results. UV WinLab is the instrument control and data manipulation software for the latest range of PerkinElmer LAMBDA 365, 650, 750, 850+ and 1050+ spectrometers.
    List Price : 2596.00 USD
  • UVWinLab1

    Architectural Glass Software with UV WinLab

    A dedicated software package to enable the reflectance and transmittance properties of thin-film coatings applied to architectural glass to be evaluated. Included are ISO, DIN and ASTM methods for light, solar and UV, UVA and UVB and normal, double and triple glazing. UV WinLab is the instrument control and data manipulation software for the latest range of PerkinElmer LAMBDA 365, 650, 750, 850+ and 1050+ spectrometers.
    List Price : 2442.00 USD
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