Refinery Gas Analysis | PerkinElmer

Refinery Gas Analysis


Do you need fast and accurate results in your growing industrial laboratory? Our engineered chromatography system has the ability to analyze multicomponent hydrocarbon gases and light gases typically found in refineries. This capability is installed in your Clarus 590 and 690 GC and is tested to meet your industry needs.


Fixed Gases by TCD

We offer a family of Fixed Gas Analyzers that are rugged and use simple packed-column technology with possible detection limits lower than 10 ppm with TCD. Analyze a full range of He, H2, O2 and N2 with guaranteed detection levels per ASTM D1945 and ASTM D1946 methods.

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Light Hydrocarbons by FID

Is your laboratory looking to analyze propylene/butylenes from manufacturing and analyze butane streams? We offer a family of Light Hydrocarbon Analyzers to analyze a wide range of hydrocarbons from methane to hexane and gaseous light hydrocarbon samples like LPG. Fully-automatic operations enable rapid and complete separations of all possible compounds under 20 minutes with guaranteed detection levels.

Light Hydrocarbons/Fixed Gases by TCD

Analyze your samples of light gases, furnace gases, stack gases, combustion gases, decoking gases, and mine gases with ease with our GC Engineered solutions. We offer a family of Light Hydrocarbon/Fixed Gas Analyzers for analysis of light gases, furnace gases, stack gases, combustion gases, decoking gases, and mine gases. Our packed columns feature single thermal conductivity detector (TCD) capabilities. Although this analyzer is most commonly used as one channel, it is extremely versatile to fit your laboratory needs.
Products & Services (1)
  • Model 4021 (1)
  • Model 4022 (1)
  • Model 4024 (1)
  • Model 4040 (1)
  • Model 4044 (1)
  • Model 4083 (1)
Detector Type
  • ASTM D2504 (1)
  • D3416 (1)
  • ISBT (1)
  • ISO 6381 (1)
  • UOP 603-13 (1)

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  • TraceGases_700x700

    Trace Gas Analyzers

    PerkinElmer offers a selection of Trace Gas Analyzers for the detection of hydrogen, carbon dioxide, ethylene, ethane, acetylene, oxygen/argon, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, and total hydrocarbons. Our engineered solutions for trace gas analysis include FID, DID and PID detectors to ensure flexibility and increased instrument productivity. To ensure efficient setup within your laboratory, operation parameters are set and tested at the factory prior to shipment, with instrumental methods pre-loaded. Once installed, samples can be processed immediately, allowing you to optimize instrument up-time and productivity from day one.
Corporate & Resource Library (2)

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