A Multiclass Multiresidue Method for Analysis of Veterinary Drugs in Chicken by UHPLC/MS/MS | PerkinElmer

Application Note

A Multiclass Multiresidue Method for Analysis of Veterinary Drugs in Chicken by UHPLC/MS/MS

Analysis of veterinary drugs in chicken


Veterinary drugs are used in animal production to treat diseases, prevent infection and protect growth of animals, which helps provide quality marketplace. However the uncontrolled use may cause heavy human disease so regulatory agencies around the world have established maximum residue levels (MRLs) or tolerances of veterinary drugs in foods. Drug analysis is generally challenging, due to the complexity of sample matrices and diversity of analytes from various classes of chemical properties. In this study, a fast, sensitive and selective method has been developed for analysis of 73 veterinary drugs (covering 13 different chemical classes) in chicken samples by coupling solvent extraction method with LC/MS/MS.