We now offer portable GC/MS instrumentation for analyses in the field. This is ideal for rapid screening of chemicals, including environmental volatiles and semivolatiles (VOCs/SVOCs), explosives, chemical warfare agents, hazardous substances, and for use in food safety and industrial applications.
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The Torion® T-9 GC/MS is the world's smallest portable GC/MS, and is fast, reliable, and easy to use. The integrated system features a low thermal mass capillary gas chromatograph with high-speed temperature programming and a miniaturized toroidal ion trap mass spectrometer (TMS) with a mass range from 41 to 500 Daltons. Samples are injected using a novel CUSTODION® solid phase microextraction (SPME) fiber syringe or a needle trap (CUSTODION-NT).
Our entire Torion T-9 GC/MS system is totally self-contained, weighs 32 pounds, and is rechargeable battery operated. It is easy to operate, with a color touch screen user interface or a simple three button navigation. The system's speed and portability makes it ideal for analysis outside your lab.
Product Brand Name | Torion® |
Learn how to detect whisky and spirits adulteration using a field-portable GC/MS through this note.
Explosive materials are composed of energy-rich substances that release stored energy through a series of violent chemical processes upon ignition. The chemicals responsible for these explosive reactions are typically unstable without the presence of secondary compounds that act as stabilizers for t ...
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are chemically diverse and abundant in nature. Biogenic VOCs are present in and emitted by most plant parts and play an essential role in plant communication, pollinator/predator attraction, plant-bacterial interactions, defense, and ecology. Analysis of the VOCs em ...
Coffee is widely consumed as a beverage because of the stimulating effect it produces in humans. The aroma of coffee contributes to the flavor and taste of the beverage and has consequently led to extensive research on coffee. Hundreds of volatile/semi-volatile aroma and flavor compounds have been i ...
This study describes the injection, separation, and identification of 16 drug compounds in less than 10 minutes using portable gas chromatograph-toroidal ion trap mass spectrometry (PerkinElmer, Torion T-9 Portable GC/MS) combined with a coiled microextraction (CME) sampling injector to provide an e ...
In recent years there has been an increase in fatalities related to the use and consumption of opioids, a class of synthetically manufactured pain-relieving drugs similar to naturally derived opiates like morphine, opium, codeine, and heroin. This application demonstrates the use of the novel Custod ...
The ability to screen soil samples in the field by identifying volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is a valuable tool where sampling decisions are required in near real-time. Results of the screening procedure may be used to guide sample collection activities, and can help identify which sampling and/ ...
Monitoring the consistency and quality in soft drinks is essential to ensure a positive brand image and a loyal customer base. Our full portfolio of chromatography solutions, including LC, GC and GC/MS, enables you to meet – and even exceed – your quality control goals with rapid, intuitive, and acc ...
This brochure provides a simple guide to the analytical solutions and supporting services we provide for forensics and toxicology laboratories. We know it's not as simple as it seems in the movies, on television, or in the latest potboiler: forensic science is an exacting science, driven by the twin ...
Crime scenes, chemical spills, environmental contaminants – our Custodion family of sampling devices enable you to accurately analyze and get the results you need, quickly and efficiently. Whether you’re testing gaseous compounds, liquid phases, or solid materials, there’s a Custodion solution speci ...
In motorsports, tampering with fuel gives racers an unfair advantage. To keep the race teams on an equal footing so races are fair, close, and exciting, the International Motorcycling Federation (FIM) sets strict requirements for Superbikes, such as those for engines, tires, and fuel. On site fuel t ...
Groundwater water sources are routinely tested for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of environmental concern. The samples are collected and transported to laboratories that can be far from the sample site which can cause loss of volatile target analytes during sample storage and transport. PerkinEl ...
Calion Standards are used to calibrate and validate the performance of GC and GC/MS instruments.
Clairion includes a handheld battery-powered air pump with needle-trapping devices for air sampling.
Although it was built for portability and speed, the low thermal mass (LTM) capillary GC provides equivalent chromatographic resolution and performance to a benchtop system. The miniature size is achieved by replacing a conventional convectively-heated column oven with a low thermal mass (LTM) colum ...
Product Certificate for the Torion T-9 Portable GC/MS
TOTAL Group's Fast, On-site Fuel Scrutineering for Real-time Results and Winning Decisions Customer Testimonial
Torion Portable GC/MS is the most ergonomic in the industry. Featuring run times under seven minutes and library search to quickly identify compounds, the Torion portable gc/ms cannot be beat.