Avio 550/560 Max ICP-OES Optical System and SCD Detector | PerkinElmer
Avio 550-560 Max ICP-OES Optical System and SCD Detector

Technical Note

Avio 550/560 Max ICP-OES Optical System and SCD Detector

Avio 550-560 Max ICP-OES Optical System and SCD Detector


The Avio® 550/560 Max ICP-OES systems offer superior detection limits and line selection thanks to their optical system that centers on a unique high-performance solid-state detector – the segmented-array charge-coupled device (SCD) detector – with an echelle-based polychromator designed to fully utilize the capabilities of the SCD. Using a PerkinElmer echelle grating optimized for UV performance and a free-form optic – the Schmidt cross-disperser – the Avio 550/560 Max ICP-OES systems have exceptional optical throughput and excellent resolution, providing superior detection limits and line selection.

Download this technical note to learn more about the advantages of the Avio 550/560 Max’s optical system and SCD detector.